Friday 13 March 2015


THE WHITE LIE Give them the lie The white lie Let them do the senseless Dance Depraved men they are We, the forest that kill dreams Hands high in an endless rides We will loot their cradle of pride Hurt down their innocent lilies in need Demented men they are Bitten By fright afar What you tell them they hear They reason with their hair Give them the lies The power sector lies The white lies The political lies Brightest of all lies Let them do the senseless dance Then we can go home and embezzle All the oil in the nozzle. THEIR BLOOD SPEAK OF PAINS My teeth clapped in tears In my wobbled mouth The sky darkened at noon Words eluded my dried mouth As I watched their bodies sprayed In the crowded street with people Gathered in pains, weeping and groaning They stood alerted, each watching his back Hell on earth, death flaps it happy wings Yet another feast for the vultures Yet another works of the hooligans Who says western education is a sin They never mind the ground who is Satisfied already but bomb and kill. Their blood speak of their pains As it goes down the gutter in agony Mother earth wept at the lost of beloved Children who ought have conquer and Rule in relation to the nature's call.

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